People who love their animals will do anything for them! Like our own children, animals are our responsibility to provide the necessities like food and shelter, but also enrichment, love, and protection. Unlike human children, animals do not speak our language. As a companion to our animals, we look at their cues and decide what they are trying to convey. Cues can be vocal sounds, physical posture or movement, touching, and behavior. So, how can we really know what our animal companions are thinking and feeling? We hire someone!
I am an Animal Communicator. I use those words specifically, although others have called me an animal psychic or medium. I would love to explain the difference. Allow me to begin with what I am not (or not necessarily).
An Animal Psychic or Psychic Medium will focus on a wider range of psychic abilities. These include Clairvoyance and the other Claires (Clairsentience, clairgustance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairempathy, and clairalience). Often a psychic will have precognition moments where they may be able to "predict" future events. The focus on this type of reading is to gain a better understanding of the past, present, and future events along with some personal guidance.
A Spiritual Medium connects primarily with Spirits, those that have passed. The purpose is to provide comfort, validation, and to deliver messages from the other side.
An Animal Communicator, while they may possess Psychic or Spiritual gifts, focus on communication through Telepathy or empathic connections. Visualization is a huge contributor to a communicator who is working with an animal to understand them better. The animal's perspective is the main focus in a communication session, so that the human can understand their companion better and improve the animal's well-being.
Each person, whether a psychic, medium, or communicator. has their own gifts and strengths. Each person has their own preferences and comfort level, as well. When I discuss sessions with potential clients, I can only speak to what I do and explain what can be expected in one of my sessions.
As an Animal Communicator, my goal is to give your animal companion a voice! A session allows them to speak through me and tell you things that are important to them. Sometimes, the information is strictly conversational. Sometimes it is very important or urgent. I allow the animals to tell me what they are comfortable sharing. Clients have an opportunity to ask questions and ask for clarity if something does not resonate. I always remind the humans that things may not be 100% in sync with their memory or point of view. We are not looking for validation. We are seeking to understand the animal's perspective and point of view. This interaction is beneficial for both the animal and their human companion. Communication is key to any relationship, and the animal-human relationship is not different!
Often in a session, I will receive messages using one of the Claires mentioned above. While I do have access to these gifts, I hesitate to label myself as a psychic or medium because my focus is different, and the gifts are not accessed all the time. It is up to the animal in the session! I have also never been comfortable with predictions, so would not label myself as a psychic. I do align with Spiritual Medium in some instances. I have and can communicate with animals who have crossed over. Sometimes, in this type of session, I connect with a human who has also crossed. I feel like this is because the animal has brought them in. Outside of my relatives, I do not commune with the Spirits of humans unless accompanied by an animal.
My gifts are constantly growing and changing. I welcome all gifts that Spirit bestows upon me so that I may fulfill my purpose of being the voice for all animals, both live and crossed over, and both domestic and wild. Some of the most telling messages have come from wild animals. Their perspective on humans is sobering. Their capacity for love and forgiveness is amazing.
If you are interested in hearing from your animal companion, and truly being open to understanding their perspective, I do encourage having an animal communication session. It is such a lovely experience! I send all prospective clients' information about what they can expect ahead of time because I truly wish for all to be happy with the experience. Some animals are chattier than others, just like some humans are more talkative than others. This is why I ask the humans to be prepared with some questions for their animals. Questions that are vague result in a lot of blank stares. Specific questions continue the conversation. Think of it like speaking to a teenager or a younger child. If a parent says, "What do you think about so-and-so?" The child will most likely say "I don't know", because they are afraid of saying the wrong thing. But if you ask, "What do you think about how they play with you?", you will get "I like .....or I don't like......". Most animals will answer a direct question with a direct answer. It is in their nature. It is important to be prepared because this is the one time they can truly voice their feelings and opinions, and I want nothing more than to honor them properly. Animals are beautiful souls. I love giving them a voice to express themselves. I love Animal Communication.
