Remember when you were a kid, and your sibling did something wrong or out of character? After they teased you for being shocked or too "goody-goody", you then shouted, "I'm telling!". Well, our animal companions who have crossed over sometimes "tell on us" too, but for them it is not to get anyone in trouble. Instead, it is to validate that they see you, acknowledge their understanding of the event, and often it is to teach us something.
I had a lovely session with a beautiful soul named Raymond. He had a troubled beginning but then was rescued by a wonderful couple who loved him very much. Raymond, or Ray-Ray as he preferred, communicated so much gratitude and love for his family. He knew they rescued him and also acknowledged the rescuers too. He was fully aware of the exact moment he was rescued. The image he shared was of him sitting outside trembling, watching the rescuer. I saw a hand holding a bowl of water slowly approaching him. Ray-Ray told me that he made a conscious decision to be brave and accept the water, not solely to quench his thirst but because he knew that this moment would change his life forever. He was right!
Aside from images of his life, Ray-Ray told me about his "mom" singing to him gently as she caressed his face. He was relaying his final moments and acknowledging her kindness and love till the very end. This act of kindness is so important, and I always encourage people to be with their companions during that time. It truly does help them leave this physical world without fear and feeling loved is what they carry with them.
So, what or who did Ray-Ray "tell" on? We were having the Q & A portion of our session and talking about a lot of different things that Ray-Ray experienced and continues to experience. Suddenly he said, "I saw him give "Nipper" (the name he gave the new dog) a piece of meat. He never gave me meat". My human client said she didn't think that was true since her husband has a very strict rule about table food given to their companions. I asked that she check with him, because Ray-Ray was pretty insistent. She said she would check with him, and we moved on to other topics Ray-Ray wanted to discuss.
After our session concluded, I received a text message from my client. Her husband confessed that he did give the new dog a piece of meatball. He apologized saying he just couldn't finish it all. Ray-Ray laughed. He asked me to tell them that he doesn't mind at all, but most importantly said "he's learning!". lol
All my sessions end with the clients giving a final message to their beloved companion, whether still with us or crossed over. As my client relayed her message to Ray-Ray, I could feel his love and joy and happiness at hearing the words he already knew.
I am always grateful to be a part of these moments and to help people connect with their beloved companions. We can learn so much from our animal friends. Love, gratitude, forgiveness, and living in the moment are just a few lessons. Thank you, Ray-Ray, for trusting me enough to share your story and communicate with your humans.
