3. There are wonderful life’s lessons throughout this read and such a strong message of living in the moment. I was intrigued in reading in your bio when you had the realization that you were, in fact, communicating with animals through picture messages and energy. Describe one of your most memorable moments and elaborate further on what the ‘picture messages’ were.
Great question! It is hard to pick just one. Each encounter with an animal is unique and special. One of the most powerful and also sad encounters happened last summer. I was lounging on my deck enjoying the sunshine and dozing off in that summer slumber. I suddenly saw a herd of horses, some fallen and some struggling to get up. As some of the horses got up, they shook their bodies to remove debris. Others remained on the ground. A black horse stood and looked directly at me. I asked who they were. The black horse described a metal container that the horses were in. This container crashed and fell over. I saw flames and felt a lot of heat. I asked the black horse what happened. He said there was an accident while they were being transported. He said the humans did not care for them; the horses were only a commodity to the humans. A glowing white horse appeared and all the horses, even those on the ground, began to follow her. As they followed, galloping and neighing, I felt a heaviness leave them. The black horse said, “we ran for you, but now we run for ourselves”. I was left feeling a great sadness but also a sense of relief. The horses were finally free.
Later that day, my friend called me and asked if I heard about the horrible accident. I had not listened to the news that day. She told me that racehorses were being transported up north. The transport truck had an accident, turning over and catching on fire. All the horses perished. Not one of the humans involved even had a scratch. I believe the black horse chose me to relay the message and show me their transition. The white horse was their Spirit Guide, I believe. I know they are happy now. I will never forget that encounter.
4. You have a beautiful voice and without too much of a spoiler, when it was time for Little Bear and Mommy to continue with their separate journeys, I was openly crying. How difficult was it for you to write that scene?
That was one of the most difficult moments to capture with pen, and understandably one of my most difficult moments in life. I too was crying openly. During the editing process, each time I came to that section, I cried. I can say that it did get easier with each edit. The sadness and loss are always there but knowing that life continues, and Little Bear is still with me in Spirit, does help ease the pain. As difficult as it was, I felt it was important to include. So many people struggle with this moment. My hope was to give courage to people so they stay with their companions till the very end.
This is a continuation of the interview conducted by Diane Lunsford, of Feathered Quill Book Reviews. I was very pleased with the caliber of questions as well as Ms. Lunsford's emotional connection to the story. Animal lovers and lovers of Life will enjoy this story. I would love to hear your comments after reading the book!
